Manic Ahead

I’ve been so frustrated. Husband switched employment which will benefit the family on many levels; however, I’m watching the kiddo way more which causes obvious stress. My bipolar is in manic episode mode. I slept a whole 4 hours last night. Impatience and agitation are peaking. I want to be compassionate to the long hoursContinue reading “Manic Ahead”

Post-partum Depression

Where do I even begin to explain that experience? I’ve had a child in the past and never had that happen to me, of course I didn’t plan on my son almost dying in my arms either. Christopher I was taken by ambulance to a hospital more equipped to handle the premature birth. On AugustContinue reading “Post-partum Depression”

Why Alcohol?

Dr. Daniel Hall-Flavin, board certified in general psychiatry and addiction psychiatry, is a St. Louis native. He states, “Bipolar disorder and alcohol use disorder, sometimes called alcoholism, often occur together. Although the association between bipolar disorder and alcohol use disorder isn’t clearly understood, these factors likely play a role: • Depression and anxiety. Some people drinkContinue reading “Why Alcohol?”

Motivation “Let’s Go!”

Almost a year, I will have sustained from alcohol. Yes, on top of the mess I already have going on in my head, I drank to cope. I didn’t click with A.A. membership and just kept depending on the bottle. Finally, I reluctantly went to Celebrate Recovery. I did not like it at first. OneContinue reading “Motivation “Let’s Go!””

Battle of the Mind

I want to say, “I love you.” I want to feel your warm embrace And though I crave it today Something inside me feels out of place My mind races with unpredictable thoughts My body tired and extremely weak My thoughts entering like the speed of light My eyes not willing to let me sleepContinue reading “Battle of the Mind”